Just updated the file with hyperlinks and shortcuts to various rooms (along with a few spelling errors we missed). I've also included a map booklet for both pri...
Howdy, just a couple of updates of varying size and substance including a final change to the name. Special thanks to reddit user Evandro_Novel for correcting m...
With the majority of the writing done and the layout nailed down, I can finally begin work on the artwork. If I'm being honest, writing feels difficult and almo...
15.03.2023 Work continues as usual, a break in the freelance work means I have the time to type more than usual. I forgot how writing something this big feels a...
03-8-2023 FUCK me its been a while… I had to take a break from working on the mega-dungeon to finish writing a book you might have heard of and then delay it...
08.11.2021 Started doing a little more concept art today (I miss drawing regularly), mostly to keep y brain from going crazy with all of the typing and secondly...
07.11.2021 I vowed I would not work on the weekends (unless I have to), so I’m going to call this “not work” on technicality. I’ve been playing around w...