A downloadable zine

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You are a lone hunter in some remote and inhospitable place, hunting down a terrible and dangerous monster.

The monster has taken something from you. Something important, something irreplaceable. You have vowed to kill it, even if its the last thing you do in this life.

But, the monster knows you are following them and is far more clever than you could have imagined...

You are alone and at your wits end, quickly realizing that you are unlikely to survive this ordeal. Your supplies are dwindling, the place is dangerous, and all the while the monster waits for a time to strike.

Can you survive this place or will you succumb to its hardships? Are your wits and supplies enough or were they all for naught? Will you defeat the monster or will it destroy you, mind, body, and soul?

You must at least try...

This Wretched Hunt of Mine is a journal game about horror, survival, isolation and grit.

To play you’ll need:

• A journal to record daily entries
• A deck of cards with no jokers
• A 6-sided die
• A tumbling block tower
• 10 tokens of some kind, preferably a collection of bones, stone, or beads,

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
AuthorFeral Indie Studio
GenreRole Playing
TagsHorror, Monsters, zine


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Woe for the Hunt Print 7-1.pdf 1.1 MB


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This was a really great introduction into Wretched and Alone games for me! The prompts were thought-provoking and unique enough where I didn't feel like I was treading the same topics again and again. I didn't survive, alas, but I did explore themes of futility and mortality!


Just finished playing this with my boyfriend! What a blast!

Some highlights:

  • Since it was two of us, he basically served as Co-GM and we talked through each of the events and made sure we understood the rules. Right away I grasped that even though the hunt after the events is temporary, it was necessary to roll one each day if I wanted to tear down the beast before I got tore down. 
  • Part of that was because we have a smaller (mini) jenga tower, and also had less tokens (7 instead of 10). Even though I won, it was hard-fought! 
  • We listened to the entire Ghost Quartet soundtrack, which was very on cue. Screaming happened while I was trying to pull blocks

Thank you for making this game! I've been wanting to play it for a long time and glad I finally got around to it.